Enter your data
No activity
No sport or movement.
Sedentary job and occasional walking.
Light activity
Movement once a week.
Moderate activity
Exercise twice a week.
Very active
Movement 5 times a week.
Extremely active
Movement min. 6 times per week.
Measures Optional
Waist to hip ratio helps determine body type, fat distribution and potential risks.
Neck circumference
Waist circumference
Hips circumference
Your results
Basal metabolism
{{(basal.kcal | number: 0).replace(',', ' ')}} KCAL = {{(basal.kj | number: 0).replace(',', ' ')}} KJ
BMI Index
Underweight Normal weight Overweight 1st degree of obesity 2nd degree of obesity 3rd degree of obesity
WHR Index
{{whr | number: 2}} ?
Peripheral Body Type Balanced Character Type Central Character Type Risky Character Type First, fill in the circumferences of the neck, waist and hips.
Fat accumulates in your body especially on your hips and buttocks. It does not pose a major health risk. This body type is primarily determined by genetics. Fat in your body accumulates evenly. From a health point of view (in relation to the distribution of fat on the body), this body type is considered ideal and there is no greater risk of health complications. Fat accumulates in your abdomen to a greater extent. Even if the waist circumference is smaller than the hip circumference, there is an increased risk of health conditions. You have excess fat reserves in the abdominal area. Apple-type obesity is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke, high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.
Print results
Your goal
I want
Lose weight
Gain muscles
Stay fit
Target weight
Recommended daily calorie intake
{{(target.kcal | number: 0).replace(',', ' ')}} KCAL = {{(target.kj | number: 0).replace(',', ' ')}} KJ
{{(DDD.protein | number:0).replace(',', ' ')}} g
{{(DDD.carbohydrate | number:0).replace(',', ' ')}} g
{{(DDD.fat | number:0).replace(',', ' ')}} g
{{(DDD.fiber | number:0).replace(',', ' ')}} g
{{(DDDPercent[0] | number:0).replace(',', ' ')}}%
{{(DDDPercent[1] | number:0).replace(',', ' ')}}%
{{(DDDPercent[2] | number:0).replace(',', ' ')}}%
{{(DDDPercent[3] | number:0).replace(',', ' ')}}%
Basal metabolism Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the amount of energy that your body needs to keep the body functioning at rest.
BMI Index The body mass index (BMI) is a number used as an indicator of underweight, normal body weight, overweight and obesity.
WHR Index The waist to hip ratio (WHR) is a number that helps determine what body type you belong to, how your body fat is distributed and what health risks it entails.
Macronutrients The main nutrients that we get from food and on which the functioning of the organism depends. They are proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Description of calculation Calorie Calculator Dine4Fit.
Calculation of basal metabolism - BMR It is a calculation of the body's energy expenditure at rest. So it is the energy we burn when we do nothing. The calculator calculates according to the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula, if you have a normal BMI (19 - 25). In this case is not necessary to know the percentage of body fat and this formula is currently the most accurate. For users with BMI outside the normal range, we use Katch-Mcardle formula, which counts also with body fat. Mifflin-St. Jeor
- (male) BMR = 10W + 6.25H - 5A + 5
- (female) BMR = 10W + 6.25H - 5A - 161
- (male, female) BMR = 370 + 21.6(1 - F)W
- W (weight) is your body weight in kg
- H (height) is your body height in cm
- A (age) is your age
- F (fat) is your body fat in %
Important inputs for calculator In addition, you can set your physical activity (sedentary, light, moderate, very active, extremely active, no activity) and your target (lose weight - we subtract 15% of total calories, muscle gain -we add 10% of total calories, be fit - calculation doesn't change).
Macronutrients The total proportion of macronutrients in caloric intake is divided based on the goal you want to achieve. We've gone through dozens of available resources, from the World Health Organization and from the recommendations of fitness experts and nutritionists, to set values as accurately as possible:
- Be fit - proteins 25%, carbohydrates 47% and fats 28%
- Lose weight - proteins 28%, carbohydrates 43% and fats 29%
- Gain muscles - proteins 25%, carbohydrates 49% and fats 26%
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